26 January 2007

So I lied. "Back by January?" Haha! I laugh condescendingly at me!

Obviously, we've been gone longer than expected, and I apologize for that. I could tell you why, but it'd be boring. Let's just make a long (okay, it's really more of a medium) story short. Over the break, I determined what direction we were taking the comic's story in, but this is going to require some quite significant changes on the art side of things. So we'll be gone a bit longer while these things get straightened out. I'd say more, but then we wouldn't be able to surprise you, would we?

If you use LiveJournal, you can join our community here. If not, you can still subscribe to our RSS feed here. We'll use this to give status updates - join or subscribe to be reminded of when we return!

Thanks for your patience, everyone!

28 November 2006

Since it's nearing the end of the semester, neither of us really have the time to give the comic the effort it needs to update regularly. And after that, there's holidays. So, until the end of December, updates will be sporadic at best. Worst case is that they'll be entirely nonexistent. Well, no, the real worst case is that we'll be gone so long that we'll completely forget about the comic, but that has the same chance of happening as witnessing avian swine.

We'll be back to normal (okay, normalish) by January, for sure.

2 November 2006:

Sorry about missing Tuesday's comic. I'd make an elaborate excuse, but it would all boil down to trying to explain something completely my fault with something entirely coincidentally which was also completely my fault, so I won't bother. (Not to mention it would probably involve an unlikely juxtaposition of soy, cat hair and a revolting imp with a name dreadfully lacking in vowels.) Instead, why don't we all just forget any of this ever happened and just enjoy today's comic?

It won't happen again, I promise. Well, sort of promise. Maybe.

. . . Let's just get on with the forgetting and enjoying bit, alright? Alright.

31 October 2006:

Sorry folks, but no comic today. Be back soon!

Also, I'm having a wee bit of a problem with the system I'm using for these news posts, so the news might not be on time. Sorry again.

3 October 2006:

We've got the site ironed out this weekend, so you should be able to browse through it all without seeing a hint of a wrinkle. If you'd like to get in touch with us, just shoot us an email at kitewinds@gmail.com - we'd love to hear from whomever's out there reading. Of course, if you enjoy the comic, please spread word about it.

And remember, we update Tuesday and Thursday every week!

7 September 2006:

Welcome! I realize the site's still a bit wonky, but we're working on it. For now, just enjoy the comic. Well, what little of the comic there is. We will be updating on Tuesdays and Thursdays for now, possibly going up to thrice a week in the future. (Maybe.)

See you tuesday!