Kitewinds is an idea created by the author one summer day in 2006. Since he was entirely bored, he wrote out some ideas for it before he realized that he can't actually draw. At all. So he got the artist to artistify the comic while he did some more author-type autorifying, and (after a few months of procrastination and communication problems) that was that.

Mike Veenstra is fairly new to the writing game. He's never really written much fiction before, let alone a comic. Is he out of his mind? Probably. But he likes it out there. All the writing for the comic is done by with a mug of tea in one hand and a keyboard in the other. His ideas are imported fresh daily from the ethereal thought forests of Zimbabwe.

Steve Puckett has been writing and drawing comics for as long as he can remember. (Though for what it's worth, his memory's never been all that good.) Inspired mainly by strips like "FoxTrot" and "Calvin and Hobbes," he created many strips over the years and ran out of ideas for most of them. Eventually he got the good sense to let someone else do the writing for a change, and this strip is the result.

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